Types of Psoriasis
Plaque psoriasis: It is a common condition. Around 80-92 per cent of patients suffer from this kind of condition. It is characterised by red patches of silvery-white scales.
Guttate psoriasis: In this kind, the patches are tiny to the size of one drop. It is typically seen among young children.
Inverse psoriasis: The patches are found in folds of skin such as underarms, breasts, and thigh when this type of psoriasis afflicts the patient.
Pustular psoriasis: With this kind of condition, the plaque is often associated with the development of pus-filled lumps.
Erythrodermic Psoriasis: A serious type that causes severe skin discolouration and shed that affects more than 90 per cent of the face. It is a condition that requires hospitalisation and may be caused by one of the other types of Psoriasis.
Nail psoriasis: It is a condition that generally affects the nails, which causes them to split and then decolorise.
Scalp psoriasis: People frequently confuse it with the condition of dandruff. However, they are different. The condition may cause the appearance of patches, especially on the scalp. It is essential to get a good scalp psoriasis treatment.